fu·sion [fyoo-zhuhn] –noun
1. the act or process of fusing / blending; the state of being fused / blended.
2. that which is fused / merged; the result of fusing / merging
You wondering why I started this out with fusion? Well did you read the definition? How many of us like to mix things up? Think about it we have Dairy Queen has the ever so wonderful Blizzard where you mix up ice cream with a variety of things such as Oreos, Butterfingers, Kit Kats, Reeses's, and many more. I guess since my lil fitness kick I am starting I should also look at Smoothie King that mixes fruit with protein to make it even better for you. We love to combine things to make them better; peanut butter and jelly, turkey and dressing, chips and salsa, we even have soft drinks with vitamins now. These mix-ups are everywhere. Someone took an iron in golf merged it with a fairway wood and got a hybrid club. We have cars that run on gas mixed with electricity. All of these things are great by themselves but when we fuse them together what happens? They get better. Now lets look at our lives, our lives are great. No matter your struggles or your perceived short comings your life is great(if you don't think so imagine life without that cable, Xbox, TV, car, friends, etc.). Now mix that life with something else say a higher power and think about what you get. Fuse your life with God and think how much better it would be. You would have the greatest Blizzard (or the best smoothie) of all time. Now where could you achieve this? How about...CLICK HERE
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day #1
Yep today was day number 1 back in the gym. My workout today was very rewarding yet humbling. How you may ask? Well it was great to work out and get back into lifting some weights but I was humbled as to how much I could do. The amount of weight wasn't there which I really expected but the reps I could do was even worse. As they say you must crawl before you walk and I am crawling right now. I did weigh myself and I weighed in at a whopping 270lbs. I have a goal but it isn't all centered on weight as muscle weighs more than fat and I will be lifting to replace that fat with muscle. I think I will try working out in the morning tomorrow and see how it goes. I'll let ya know.
Not afraid to be a diverse person
In one word how would you describe yourself? Not an easy one to answer is it? I was recently asked that question in a job interview and my answer was "diverse". I am an extremely diverse person. Lets think back to a time soon after I bought my first CD player. I remember going into the store and in one hand I had Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth and in the other Hank Williams, Jr.'s Greatest Hits Volume 3, not exactly similar. I have been to the following concerts; Alabama, Lionel Richie, Ice Cube, KISS, Michael Jackson, Garth Brooks, Ice T, The Spice Girls, Hank Jr, Ozzy Osbourne, Vanilla Ice, Rick Spingfield, John Mellencamp, and Lynyrd Skynyrd to name a few. I enjoy a good debate about politics then like to discuss what is going on in the WWE. I love college football but also enjoy America's Next Top Model (I still say Mercedes should have won season 2). Here are some of my favorite movies; Star Wars(all 6), Smokey and the Bandit, Pretty Woman, Batman Begins, Pirates of the Caribean, Remember the Titans, Aladdin, The Emperor's New Groove, Undercover Brother, Friday After Next, New Jack City, BettleJuice, Willie Wonka(the original), Polar Express, Primal Fear, and Seven. Now how does that relate to the 'professional' world? Well I am a manager and the more I can relate to my team the better. I can have a conversation with just about everyone about a variety of subjects. I am not saying everyone should like everything but I find in my life that being open to new things is cool. Try it you may like it and hey don't be afraid to admit you like something that isn't exactly what society deems you should like because you are a man or a woman or over 30 or under 18 or whatever.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Technology is wonderful!
Who would have ever thought that we would have cellphones that would carry live TV? This is a beautiful thing I mean I can watch the NFL Network live and in living color. Ain't that sweet? Not to mention that I have so many on-demand features it is ridiculous, even full lenght movies. Now that is cool. What is next a phone with a digital and video cameras built in?.....oh wait is has that too. Just crazy stuff!
Don't call it a comeback!!!
I just decided I needed to get back into shape. Last year I lost quite a bit of weight but that was because I changed my diet but have since put much of it back on. I decided that I needed not only to change some of what I eat but I needed to get back into the gym. So starting Monday I will be back in the gym working out and getting ready for the rest of my life. It is frusterating looking in the mirror and thinking about the fact that I used to be in good shape, I mean it really wasn't that long ago. I guess the fact that I used to make money by being in shape makes it even more frusterating. So get ready for me to get in shape and possibly, just possibly make a come back into that alter ego that I have. You know you never really retire from that profession and to those reading this wondering what I am referring too....well you will just have to wonder but I will invite you to the show when it comes upon us.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Energy Drinks

Next new product I just bought....Froot Loops Smoothie Cereal
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Freedom Concert
I went to the Freedom Concert the other night with my dad. The concert series is hosted by Sean Hannity and benefits the Freedom Alliance. The Freedom Alliance provides scholarships to the children of fallen soldiers that have served in our nation's military. No matter what you feel about the current war the cause here is not debatable. I'm not going to get on my soapbox and talk about the war what I want to talk about is the amazing experience this event was. The line up for the event included Lee Greenwood, Larry the Cable Guy, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Clark Howard, Scott Slade, The Charlie Daniel's Band, Newt Gingrich, Oliver North, and Montgomery Gentry. It was so cool to see so many people coming together (over 13,000 of them) to support our troops and their families. The standing ovations were just too sweet throughout the night. One of the highlights was the satellite hookup to four of the troops in Iraq and allowing their familes to see them on the big screens. Another highlight was seeing Hannity, Boortz, and Slade sing The Devil Went Down to Georgia with the best part being Boortz changing the line in the song from "and a band of demons joined in" to "and a band of LIBERALS joined in". One of my favorite parts was seeing 13,000 people stand and sing God Bless America then God Bless the U.S.A. with Lee Greenwood and the fact that I had my dad next to me as we sang was too cool. The feeling of the entire night was just special. Charlie Daniel's can still bring it, Montgomery Gentry just gained another fan, Lee Greenwood was awesome, and of course Larry the Cable Guy was hilarious. Oh yeah from what I understand none of the performer's were paid for their appearance and in this day and age that is a HUGE statement.
We should all thank our troops and keep them in our prayers as they sacrifice more than we can ever imagine. Thank you for all you do and may GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Here are a few links for you to check out:
We should all thank our troops and keep them in our prayers as they sacrifice more than we can ever imagine. Thank you for all you do and may GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Here are a few links for you to check out:
Monday, July 9, 2007
But where will we eat?
Yesterday was a big day at our church. This year marks the 5 year anniversary Mill Creek Community Church and from the beginning they have met in the movie theaters at the Mall of Georgia. Anyway yesterday Pastor Tony made the big announcement that we will be moving to North Gwinnett High School in August. Over the past couple of years the theater has become more of a challenge but the biggest challenge has been that the kids area of the church has grown so much that there is no more room at the theaters. Well from what we heard many things started falling into place that have allowed us to make this move and be able to expand Kingdom Safari. I am looking forward to it but for one thing....where will we eat? Usually right after service Greg 2.0, Melissa, and myself would go down to the food court and grab something to eat now we will have to change that too. I guess I will have to sacrifice the pizza slice that was re-heated from the day before or the bourbon chicken, or the frusteration that Chik-fil-A is not open. I know I can make it through this rough time and will find some places to eat there in lovely Suwanee, GA. Indigo Joe's comes to mind as does Five Guy's, IHOP, Taco Mac, Chili's, Jeffery's, hey maybe this won't be so bad afterall!
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