On December 28 the family and I headed to service at Church In Motion in Dacula since we were not having service at Fusion. The church is run by my friend Tim Skinner. I met Tim back when I was first starting EDGE at Fusion. He was nice enough to meet with me and share his experiences in ministry. At that time CIM was meeting at the Mall of Georgia Conference Center. CIM recently moved into their own building right off of Hamilton Mill. Anyway to the visit; while CIM is small they run things as if they are BIG. I mean they do not skip out on anything or any detail. They have a cafe area to fellowship in before and after service, worship was simply awesome, just everything was done with class. The message, which is most important, was GREAT! The teaching was on the Lord's Supper and really connected with us. I must say it was an honor to be part of CIM's first ever commnion. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for CIM as they continue on their quest.
After visiting CIM and seeing how they act, think, and live as they are BIG I thought about why do we as individuals not live that way? We should always being looking ahead and realize that there is more for us if we choose to go for it and think BIG. As 2009 is already upon us I challenge you to think BIG and pray BIG because we serve a BIG God!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Burger King and Church Thoughts
Last week I ate at Burger King; as I munched on my Angry Whopper I thought about church. At one point I was the ONLY customer in the joint. No one in the drive thru, no one in line, just me. Now it ain't like I was there at 3:00pm, I was there at about 12:45pm or so which is lunch time right? I looked across the street to see a Wendy's that was packed and Arby's that was doing a boomin' business and here I was in the "Home of the Whopper" pretty much by myself (by this time two other people came in to eat but still). I work only about 1/2 mile from this BK and this was the first time I had visited them. In contrast I have gone to Chik-Fil-A, Philly Connection, Quiznos, Smoothie King, and this Mexican spot on many occasions. Why? Well they all have made a choice to dig into the surrounding businesses. They drop off coupons with our HR department, they run regular specials, heck Chik-Fil-A will even deliver to us. BK nothing. They subscribe to the "Field of Dreams" philosophy of build it and they will come. As I sat there (in an empty store) enjoying my Angry Whopper it stuck me this is exactly how some churches operate. Many churches think 'here we are, people should come in and accept Christ.' It doesn't seem to work quite like that now does it? When I attend community events near my house in Jefferson I see about three or four churches every time. Yet there are no less than 20 churches within 5 miles of my house. I wonder why more churches do not invest in their surrounding areas. Community events happen all of the time which brought me to this question. Why do churches think people will just show up on Sunday when the church refuses to show up Monday through Saturday?
Friday, January 9, 2009
I Are One...

- you own a camoflage Santa hat
- you did 95% of you Christmas shopping at the Bass Pro Shops
- you got a camoflage fishing hat from Santa
- your main Santa picture is from the Bass Pro Shops
- your 4 year old got a shot gun with a deer / turkey / moose target
- your 4 year old also got a hunting bow
Yep I are one! (and proud of it)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Holidays
Yep you think the holiday season is over right? Well think again it ain't over until you decide it is over. Each year we always think of Nov - Dec as the holiday season but you can literally celebrate a holiday every day if you so choose. Follow this link to see what is going on CLICK HERE this year. Example today is Bubble Bath Day. Hey for those of you who hate holidays and such I'm sure you can find one on this list you may like such as:
- Jan 16 National Nothing Day
- Feb 13 Blame Someone Else Day
- March 9 Panic Day
- May 11 Eat What You Want Day
- August 30 Toasted Marshmallow Day
- September 13 Positive Thinking Day
Let's celebrate ALL year long.
Reflections - 2008
I have been so busy I have not had a chance to do a year in review for 2008. So here it is; my reflections on the year that was 2008.
2008 was shall we say the most challenging yet most blessed year of my life. During the year my wife went to the doctor twice for check ups and ended up with surgery both times. One for a pacemaker the other an emergency c-section. I could sit here and complain as many have on other blogs about how wrong life has done them, how having multiple kids is draining, and how holidays are stressful and everything sucks but I CHOOSE to not think like that. Plus honestly 2008 was AWESOME! Yeah we had some serious medical stuff going on including my own little heart issue but guess what? Through all of that I have made some strong friendships, my marriage is better than ever, I have a beautiful daughter, amoung many other things. Here is a brief list of how 2008 was a HUGE blessing for me....
2008 was shall we say the most challenging yet most blessed year of my life. During the year my wife went to the doctor twice for check ups and ended up with surgery both times. One for a pacemaker the other an emergency c-section. I could sit here and complain as many have on other blogs about how wrong life has done them, how having multiple kids is draining, and how holidays are stressful and everything sucks but I CHOOSE to not think like that. Plus honestly 2008 was AWESOME! Yeah we had some serious medical stuff going on including my own little heart issue but guess what? Through all of that I have made some strong friendships, my marriage is better than ever, I have a beautiful daughter, amoung many other things. Here is a brief list of how 2008 was a HUGE blessing for me....
- Was able to take care of my wife as she was in the hospital - twice
- Witnessed the birth of my beautiful daughter (8 weeks early I might add)
- Have been touched by how Greg 2.0 has reacted to Ashley from the day he first saw her in the NICU
- Fell out after the birth of my daughter (no shame here, I am a wimp)
- Saw my marriage grow by leaps and bounds through God's grace
- Now have glasses (I can see)
- Created a youth group at church from the ground up (very cool)
- Met the Red Dino-Thunder Power Ranger
- Went to Las Vegas
- Taught a lesson from the Bible for the first time
- Lost a lot of weight then put too much of it back on
- Read 18 books (most I have ever read in one year)
- Saw all three High School Musical movies
- Started using Twitter
- Created a message for church around America's Next Top Model
- Saw John C. Maxwell twice; once as a motivational speaker the other preaching the word. Both were AWESOME!
That's enough for you. 2008 was so good to me that I may get a tattoo to remember the year. Later y'all.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
So I Missed It
Yep that's right I missed my goal of reading 20 books last year, I only read 18. That is still AWESOME for me, so I am real proud of that accomplishement. This year I plan to read 26 books that would be the two I missed last year along with a goal of two per month this year. I am almost finished with number one and will be rolling here soon. Recently I finished "The Shack" which I strongly encourage you to read if you haven't yet. This year's list will include Herschel Walker's Biography, "Un-Christian", "Boss", Chris Jericho's Auotbiography, "21 Laws of Leadership", "360 Degree Leader", and "Leadership Gold". Of course there will be more and I will list them along the side of the blog with links to Amazon for each book.
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