Friday, November 14, 2008

Insights from a 4 year old

The other day Greg 2.0 came home from school talking about John McCain and Barack Obama. Now neither his mother or I have spoken to him at all about the elections so he had no clue as to who we liked or disliked. Anyway he was talking about how he liked McCain. Now mind you Greg 2.0 is only four years old. When I asked him why he like John McCain he said, and I quote, "cause he is on the red team". I found that kind of funny. See my child loves the color red. He loves the Red Power Ranger, red cars, red football teams, anything red. He has claimed the color for himslef. My favorite color used to be red until he told me that my favorite color is now black because his favorite color is red. Back to my story; I didn't think much about 2.0's politcial decision until a few days later when we were going through his school stuff that comes home each Friday. There was the Daily Reader magazine that had "who would you vote for?" on the cover. I opened it up and sure enough my child had John McCain's box checked. Then it hit me. Here is a four year old that knows absolutely nothing about politics. He knows nothing about what either candidate stood for. Nothing about their healthcare plans, nothing about thier economic policies, nothing at all. The only reason he voted for his candidate was based on the color of their team. I then asked myself, I wonder how many millions of Americans voted for either Obama or McCain based on the same criteria as my four year old boy?


Anonymous said...

I think only 50% or 60% voted on those grounds. I will say that I didn't on color I voted on the party:D

Rex10 said...

I had a mock election when I was about his age in school between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. I chose Carter and the only reason I picked him was because he had more hair and Ford was balding. Not a very good reason, but I have not voted for a Democrat since that day.