Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I love Starbucks. I have been there many many times and have spent so much money in there it is ridiculous. Here is the funny part I have NEVER had a cup of Starbucks coffee. Well not regular coffee, I always get the Caramel Macchiato or White Chocolate Mocha and sometimes I may try something else new but never a regualr cup of coffee. Not that I don't like coffee (I love it) I just can't bring myself to walk in and just buy a cup of coffee when they have so much other stuff. That is like going to Baskin Robbins and getting one scoop of vanilla, it just don't make sense.

On another tip who sat back and decided that people would buy $4.00 - $7.00 coffee drinks? The thought hey we could put these things everywhere and that it would work? Look at the Mall of Georgia where they now have two of them in the mall not including the one inside Barnes and Noble. Next time you walk by a Starbucks and catch that wonderful aroma sniff a little harder and you can smell the money printing.

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