Saturday, June 7, 2008

A New Record

I, along with my colleagues at work, have joined a bowling league. I haven't bowled for years but did at one time bowl in a few leagues. I also have my own shoes and ball. To many that means I must be good, this is a mispreception by many in our society. If you bowl in a league trust me it doesn't make you good. The reason I have my own balls is due to a league I was in gave them out at the end. Own shoes, well do you want to rent shoes every week? Now to the point of this here post. I have set a new record for myself. In the past my average was about 150 - 160 not great but not bad. This past week I busted that record with an average of, get this, an 85! Ain't that great? Literally this was the worst three game stretch I have ever bowled in my adult life. I couldn't figure out anything, the lanes, my footing, the ball, anything. I guess there is nowhere to go but up from here. I need practice which is why they give us three free games each week in addition to our league games. Guess where I am gonna go?

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