Thursday, June 12, 2008


Do you know what those mean?

On my way home each day as I enter the metropolitan area of Jefferson, GA I pass what seems like 54 churches. As I pass each one they have thier little signs out that advertise a VBS that they are having for a few days. One sign says "VBS June 16 - June 18 6:30pm to 8:30pm", another "VBS at FBC Jefferson June 9 - June 13" and literally across the street there is a sign that says "VBS June 23 - June 26". These signs made me say to myself, "self what the heck is a VBS?". Now I know the answer (vacation bible school) but do you? Does everyone? What is the purpose of their VBS? Is it to draw in their members? If it is why place a banner on the road? Is it to draw in members from other churches? Or is it to reach out to kids that do not know Christ and introduce them to Him? I am thinking it should be for the latter. If it is for the unchurched then shouldn't you spell out what you are talking about? In my little world we use the acronyms of AHT (average handle time), ATT (average talk time), B2B (business to business), B2C (business to consumer), ROI (return on investment), and KPI (kep performance indicator). Some of those I'm sure you know but when I asked Melissa if she knew what ROI meant she gave a totally different answer. You know why? Because in her business it stands for a software system. Wouldn't it make sense that if you are speaking to someone outside of your little business world you would not use those acronyms, instead spelling it out so they know what you are speaking about. Then why would these churches advertise VBS to those outside of the church world and expect them to know what it is? Hmmm maybe that's why they don't have the unchurched kids coming to thier VBS being held at the FBC in Jefferson.

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