Friday, November 23, 2007

The Golden Compass - The Movie

I have received several emails about The Golden Compass movie that is coming out. According to the email it speaks of the writer being a member of anti-Christian groups and being an athiest (Check it out here)so what? Tom Cruise seems to be a little out there too as does John Travolta did you stop seeing their movies? One thing that really bothers me about the email is that I do not recall getting emails about Evan Almighty, The Nativity Story, The Passion, Veggie Tales Movie, Chronicles of Narnia, or Facing the Giants. Why not? We seem to be ok with the ones we believe in but not the ones we don't agree with. We do it all of the time, if something doesn't fit OUR agenda we get all upset. Look at Chef (Issac Hayes) on South Park, he had no problems making fun of everyone from Jesus, to Satan, to Santa, to Jews, to the handicapped but when it came to making fun of Scientology he had to put his foot down and left the show. We as a society have become way too sensitive. If there is something out you don't agree with at the movies don't go see it, if there is something on tv you don't like change the freaking channel. Or check this novel idea out...spend that time with your kids and family teaching them about God and about what is right and wrong. Then maybe they can differentiate between fantasy and reality and realize that the truth lies in the bible on not on some screen. If you have the right foundation whatever happens on some movie should not affect the way you think or feel.

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