Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Book Review - AWESOME!

I recently read "How to Be Like Walt" written by Pat Willams, it was loaned to me and it was so good I purchased my own copy. The book reads almost like a biography of Walt but really speaks on his business ideas and his free thinking. The is a lot about his leadership style, demand for perfection, being different than everyone else, and plussing. Walt was someone that would not take no for an answer and if he couldn't find someone to do what he wanted, he would just do it himself (and do it better). The book reads well, I really liked the "Lessons Learned" at the end of each chapter. I think the best part of the reading experience was I saw a lot of Walt in me, that was too cool. I give it 5 st.....uhhhh I mean 5 Mickeys!

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