Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Found It!!!

If you read my post the other day about the Bring It On Quadrilogy you know I needed to buy the DVDs, well lookie, lookie what I found. All four in one special pack called "The Cheerbook Collection" and it is available on right here on Amazon. I am all over this one, it will be in the DVD collection right next to other great movie sets I have such as Rocky, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter. Woooo hoooo plans will have to be altered as I may have to have a Bring It On marathon this weekend!


Rex10 said...

Now you are taking it to an entirely new level. I must say..."It has been brought" and I will concede victory to you on this round. The Pink Pride Ribbon is all yours! BR

Anonymous said...

Say what ya want but the cookies n candy still give you tops in this category...RGT