Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Can See!!!!

Last night I picked up my glasses and low and behold I can see! That's right the world is totally different now. Funny thing is I have needed glasses for years and I knew it but my eyes weren't really that bad. I mean it wasn't like I couldn't read or anything. However I could no longer see the names on the back of jerseys at football games, so I knew it was gettin' bad. So for Christmas Melissa gave me glasses as a gift. We went to get the eye exam and that's when reality kicked in. You know when they do the whole "1, 2, ok, 1, 2..." thing. Then the doc moved that aparatus from my eyes and the letters were pretty blurry. Then came time to pick frames, I think they had 16,284 different frames to try on. That all brings me to yesterday, they called to tell me they were ready and I went in and got'em. They said it would take me about a week to really get adjusted to them and to wear them all of the time (except sleeping and in the shower). It sure is cool how crisp everything is now. Street signs are clear (did you know the speed limit was only 70 on I-85 N), TV was better last night, and this morning Greg 2.0's school was bright and very colorful like I had never seen. I wonder how cool would Disney World have been had I been able to see better.....guess I better get back quick huh?

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