Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Too Cool and Eye Opening!

Last night I was unable to go straight home as I have some people in town that I needed to entertain. After dinner I was driving home and the phone rang, it was Melissa. She said that Greg 2.0 had been asking about me and wanted to talk to me. He got on the phone and pretty much just said "hi" and got off, he just wanted to hear my voice. Then when I got home he came running to me, he waited up for me. He was so excited, he'll never know how much that meant to me and how excited that made me. This morning I was thinking about that and it hit me. I know the joy it brought me and I could only imagine that it is the same type of joy God feels when one of his children comes to him in prayer.

We should all approach prayer or shall we say a conversation with our father in heaven the same way Greg 2.0 approached me, with excitement and joy.

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