Thursday, May 15, 2008

Should it be sold?

I was listening to the radio yesterday as they spoke about the fact that you will be able to buy beer at the Gwinnett Braves games next year on Sunday. Then they said that you will be able to buy beer in a limo also on Sundays. I started thinking to myself why can't you buy liquor or beer on Sundays anyway. I mean you can buy cigarettes and chew if you want but no beer (I wonder which is worse for you, one causes cancer the other causes several trip to the bathroom). I know the reason is because Sunday is the holy day but what about for Seventh Day Adventists? They honor Saturdays so maybe we should stop selling on Saturdays for them. What about those who do not believe in drinking at all, maybe we should stop it all. In my opinion if it is legal you should be able to buy it 7 days a week. If you do not believe in drinking at all then don't buy at all, if you do not believe you should not drink on Sundays then don't drink or buy on Sunday, you have a choice here. Look at Chik-Fil-A they do not open on Sunday due to their beliefs but they don't say everyone should be closed they just made a decision that they will close. I say sell Bud, Jack, Jose, Jim, and everyone else on Sunday and let me decide what I do in my household (btw-I don't have any of it).
One other thing I would be willing to bet you some of the people protesting the selling on Sundays are just buying it on Saturday night anyway.

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