Monday, April 7, 2008

Slow Down...Don't Blink

Yesterday Pastor Tony spoke about slowing down in our lives. This really touched me because this is something I have been trying to do for a while now. I have been pretty successful at it but still I am not where I want to be with it. I do my best not to work late, I will arrive to work early but get out as close to 5 as possible. Why? I have a wife and child that require my time and I am more than willing to give it to them. I am sure I have sacrificed opportunities because I want to spoend time with those that matter and I have ZERO regrets. Lets face it when was the last time you heard of a person laying on their death bed saying they wished they had worked more? What about saying "if I only had one more conference call" or "just sold one more thingamabob"? Yeah me either.
Slow down, enjoy life, enjoy these times we have, this song puts it better than I could...
Don't Blink

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